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Diccionario De Filosofia Abreviado Ferrater Mora Pdf

Diccionario de filosofia abreviado ferrater mora pdf downloadDiccionario De Filosofia Abreviado Ferrater Mora Pdf

.AbstractArticle 10.1 of the Spanish Constitution states that “The dignity of the person, the inviolable and inherent rights, the free development of the personality, the respect for the law and for the rights of others are the foundation of political order and social peace.” In this chapter we analyze the evolution of the concept of dignity in Spain’s constitutional history as well as in the Constitution of 1978. This chapter is also a summary of some its legal manifestations and its practicality. Additionally, the chapter describes problems of coherence between the recognition of the constitutional concept of human dignity and Spanish domestic legislation. The concept of human dignity is also considered from the perspective of the Spanish Constitutional Court.

Diccionario De Filosofia Abreviado Ferrater Mora Pdf File

Full text of 'JOSE FERRATER MORADICCIONARIODEFILOSOFIAM O N T E C A S 1 N OJOSE FERRATER MORADICCIONARIO DEFILOSOFIATOMO IA-KEDITORIAL SUDAMERICANABUENOS AIRESPROLOGO A LA QUINTA EDICIONLa presente edicion difiere de la an-terior en lo siguiente: he escrito 546 ar-ticulos nuevos; he reescrito totalmente213 articulos; he ampliado o modificado,a veces sustancialmente, 262 articulos.Ademds, he revisado el texto, he corre-gido errores, he ampliado dcitos, y hepuesto al dia la bibliografi'a.Como resultado, abunda en esta edi-cion el material nuevo. Este abarca elconjunto de las disciplinas filosoficas yde la historia de la fdosofi'a. He seguidoprestando particular atencion a los te-nuis de ontologia y metafisica, logica,teoria del conocimiento, filosofia de laciencia, cintropologki filosofica e historiade la filosofia. Pern he ampliado no pocolas partes relativas a etica, filosofia dela religion, filosofia de la historia, teoriade los valores y estetica.